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Expertise in Business


Reviewing the Shareholder or Partnership Agreement

Comprehensive Review

Organizing Data

We can provide a no-obligation review of your agreement particularly surrounding the areas of death, disability and critical illness. This agreement is often overlooked, rarely updated and frequently underfunded or unfunded.

Funding Options

What is the most efficient and effective method of funding an agreement?. Term insurance?  Permanent Insurance?  Our comparative table will analyze this on both an aggregate and present value basis


The need for buy-out provisions on the disability of a shareholder is often overlooked. This is of great concern given the evidence that there is a greater likelihood of disability before age 65 than death. Having disability insurance to fund a buy-sell provision can be complex.

The shareholders' agreement must address the following: definition of disability, timing, method by which buy-out occurs.

Magnifying Glass

Securitizing Shareholders Loans

In the event of one of the shareholders/partners suffering a critical illness, tax-free liquidity would be beneficial. Guaranteeing liquidity of any outstanding shareholders loans can be accomplished with some creativity.

How to Minimize Capital Gains on Death

Properly structuring the agreement may allow for the estate to minimize the capital gains payable at death.


Insuring Key employees

It can mean the difference between the continued success or sudden failure of your business. Creative structuring can provide you with a powerful attraction and retention tool.

Succession planning

The issue of succession planning is a trillion dollar problem in Canada and it will peak in the next 7-10 years. Preparing  you for the issues you will face and helping you with  tax-efficient strategies will separate you from  your competition.

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