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Financial Opportunities

Have you used innovative insurance solutions to focus on creation, growth & preservation of wealth? Does the policy offer contractual guarantees & does it adjust for changes to your goals ?


Many of our clients are surprised to see a life insurance program as the funding centrepiece of their own ownership plan.

Our experience is that life insurance can offer a better tax-efficient and cost-saving solution to other options.

Implementing innovative insurance solutions also involves collaborating with clients and their advisors to co-design the best funding plan.

Ensuring the clients understand how life insurance solutions work

  • Adaptability- a plan with the flexibility to change as individual life issues change and as investment cycles change

  • Accountability- Contractual rights, disclosures and guarantees instead of outcomes determined by the financial institution

  • Access to liquidity, as and when needed, without losing all other plan benefits.

Life insurance services our clients with simplicity, elegance and care throughout their lifetime.

Holding Hands

Life Insurance

Means other assets don’t have to be sold to pay taxes.

It also allows for generous and impactful gifts to causes that would be beyond the merely financial.

It an replaces or enhances assets given away to causes greater than the insured individual.

And finally, in its simplest form, the asset replaces the economic value of the insured in case of premature death. 

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